Please read the following, which was given by the late Dr. Manuel D. Navarro, M.D., a Nutritional Oncologist, and who had a Clinic at his residence in Sta. Mesa, in Manila, and was still active in treating patients when he was well over eighty years old! He also had a Cancer Clinic at the University of Santo Thomas Medical Center in Manila, where he had been a Biochemist and Professor of Internal Medicine for many years. Dr. Navarro passed away mid-2004, but I am alive today, (March 30 2010) at age 88-years old and free from cancer, in part because of following Dr. Manuel Navarro’s advice, part of which I now relate here. I said ‘in part’ because I invented a helpful electronic machine in 1997 , as the result of a God-given dream, which I made only to kill my intestinal worms, but it also completely killed my colon cancer! That is why, now improved, it is named Gods Invention See it at <www.maycozapper.org>
However this is only my story, as I am prevented by the USDA to give any medical advice for anyone in the US (or Canada) For medical advice, you may consult his son, Dr. Efren Navarro, M.D., at the same Clinic, 3553 Sining St., Morningside Terrace, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines, or e-mail him efnavmed@compass.com.ph. His father, Dr. Navarro, was a very modest man, simply listing himself as an “M.D.” and Nutritional Oncologist. The truth is, he was listed in a book published in London England, as being among the “top ten” Oncologists in the entire world! He was also a brilliant Biochemist. He told he had written over 100 Scientific Reports papers, but the USDA clocked every one; yet he was able to save hundreds of “terminal” cancer patients by use of B-17, change of diet, supplements, and enzymes. (Enzymes are live chemical catalyst.) You can buy digestive enzymes.
Dr. Navarro was my doctor, who reversed my colon cancer, thus saving my life over eleven years ago. One of the most interesting things told to me by Dr. Navarro was, that in forty years of practice, he never had discovered anything better thanAmygdalin (Vitamin B-17), as found in the seeds of apricots, apples, prunes, peaches, and bitter almonds. (The ones from China). There was a famed psychic healer, who worked with doctors, and said “if you eat 10 bitter almonds a day, you will never get cancer.”
Food B-17 is also found in soybeans, mung bean sprouts, and in a hundred different vegetables, grains, nuts, wild-berries, blueberries, huckleberries, wild Oregon grape, and one of the very best sources is the familiar white tropical sweet potato, called Cassava, and that is what this blog is all about. Dr. Navarro told me he had a niece in Mindanao who developed cancer. She lived too far away fir him to treat her, and she could not afford to buy B-17, so he told her how to make it. Just from following his instructions she treated herself at home, and in four months the cancer was almost gone. Then through a Friendship Club she corresponded with an American, and they fell in love, He came to the Philippines, married her, and took her to the US. Eating American food, the cancer returned, and in another year she was gone. There is a moral in this story; you can control your cancer but you must continue doing the right things in order to prevent a return.– and Dr. Navarro told me an easy way to prepare B-17, and I used it myself. Before telling you how to make it, I will explain the rest of what he recommended to me.
1. Digestive enzymes, as found in fresh Pineapple and other fruit juice, helps de-shield the cancer-cell’s protective protein coating which cancer-cells get when we eat animal-source protein foods, (meat & milk). He said buy the German enzyme “Pancroflat” (Pancreatan) and Co’Enzyme Q-10, 300 mg. or more (from “Health Foods” stores} put on salads. Its best that you eat as many raw fruits, raw vegetable salads, etc, as possible. Use “Virgin Olive Oil”, or Virgin Coconut oil, four tablespoons a day plus Apple-Cider Vinegar, two tablespoons each and every day.
2. Vitamin “C” (not time delay) ten grams a day in 5 divided doses and “Natural” Vitamin “E” (400 iu. twice daily) Beta Carotene (15 mcg.) Niacin 200 mg./day, (flush free can be found) take sublingual B-12, (100 iu.) and Folic Acid, 400 mcg 2x day.
3. Plus, add the minerals, Selenium, 800 mcg., Zinc 100 mg. a day, and make and drink fresh juices, cabbage juice, pineapple juice, red beets juice and carrot juice (can be mixed), drink all you can every day. Best before meals (or whenever thirsty.) also drink only pure (filtered) water. –not distilled.
4. Now I will tell what Dr. Manuel Navarro said is an effective low-cost treatment to stop and even reverse cancer growth. In the morning, before breakfast, take about 4 inches of average size Cassava root (about 3mm to 4 mm diameter) wash and peel off only the outer brown skin, (easier if you use a “potato peeler” , instead of a knife) then chop it into small pieces about 1mm. to 2 mm in size, and place in a food blender. Add two cups (16 ounces) of distilled water and blend at high speed. About two minutes is enough. Then pour the “Cassava Tea” into a wide mouth glass storage bottle, and cool it in the refrigerator.
After it sets awhile you will see that all the dissolved starch has settled to the bottom, and there is nearly two cups of clear liquid on the top. Drink one-half of this (one cup) in the morning before breakfast, and drink the other half in the early evening. It is slightly bitter, so you may add concentrated fruit juice or flavor. (The bitter taste is B-17). CAUTION: See Dr. Navarro’s Page, on the websitewww.Godgift.org for his further explanation.
You should consume only about 4 inches of the root the first day, but each day thereafter you add ½ inch more until one day you will feel a little dizzy a few minutes after taking it, That says STOP, and that is your tolerance level, so use 1/2 inch less thereafter. It safely kills cancer, but be very careful not to exceed the daily recommended amount. This should not be given to children, unless supervised by a doctor.
It is NOT deadly “Cyanide”, it is only (B-17) called Amygdalin and is similar in formula to cyanide, but it lacks an “h” factor of the cyanide formula, and it is an amazing fact that only cancer cells, being non-aerobic, do produce within themselves only that missing “h” factor, and thus poison themselves when touched by B-17! – butall other cells are left untouched! -This was well explained by Dr, Navarro, which is published under his name on my website, maycozapper.org.
The South American Indians living in the heights of the central mountain areas… eat maize (corn) as their major food. They never have cancer. Their maize corn contains large amounts B-17!
The Eskimos of the Northern Artic do not have vegetables, but because they eat reindeer that feed on tundra grasses, which contain large amounts of B-17, they never get cancer!
The people of Hunza-land (about whom books have been written) never have had cancer in hundreds of years because they eat the seeds of a hardy apricot which contains concentrated B-17!The Chinese have known for centuries that those who eat several bitter almonds every day never get cancer! Even wild animals, deer, antelope, bears, never get cancer in the wild, but do die of cancer in the zoo! In the wild, they eat berries, grasses and “weeds” which contain B-17.
Also, in fighting cancer, try Romanian Dr. Budwig’s protocol, 2 tablespoons cold-pressed refrigerated Flax Oil Take 2X a day mixed with ½ cup of Cottage Cheese. (forSulfur) (Sulfur promotes healing.) Flaxseed oil is available in bottles from some Health-food Stores and through the Doctors who use supplemental healing methods, but it must be refrigerated from time of manufacture until time of consumption. Also, be aware that Flax-oil “capsules” (from Health Food stores) are worthless unless they are refrigerated.
A few final words of advice: Avoid artificial fats (margarine) and bakery products containing “hydrogenated” oils, and sugars, for it is the artificial fats and sugar which cause arterial deposits and high-blood pressure. You must avoid all “soft drinks”, and sugar; (cancer cells love sugar!) Sugar, and junk foods, not cholesterol, causes problems! Butter is okay; it is NOT the cause of high-blood pressure, for it is a natural fat easy to digest, and was eaten for centuries long before heart attacks became common!
The newest Medical Reports have proven that we have been deceived in being told to eat a “low-fat, high-carbohydrate” diet; the truth is the opposite! People who eat (natural) “high-fat low-carbohydrate” diets have the healthiest hearts. So eat wisely, and avoid potato chips, corn chips, and other such “junk foods“ as they are all made with the bad artificial fats! Having done all you can do to eat wisely pray for God’s Healing Energy, which He gives through proper life-style and proper diet!
(3rd John 2) “Beloved, I wish above all else that thou mayest prosper and be in good health even as thy soul prospereth.” (KJ. Bible)
Checkout these web-sites! They too have answers to cancer,:
Dr. Abram Hoffer M.D., Ph.D. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, who spent many years working in research with Linus Pauling, with Nobel prize winner discovered taking 10g or more of Vitamin C daily together with 3gs Divide of niacin Vitamin B3 will cure cancer in about of 90% patients secure his discoveries has been rejected by mainstream medicine who do not want a sample vitamin cure.
a cure for cancer:
“How B-17 works” (An excellent informative explanation)
Also articles “Metabolism of Vitamin B-17, and “Nitrilosides“, and others
Green and Gold International Exports
There are many web-page testimonials in many languages for Chinese Herbal TIANXIAN Herbal cancercure liquid. He has it in stock.