M7 Model Function Machine

M7 Model Function Machine
M7 Model

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

MONEY Do you need Some?
Would you like to go into business without spending any money, no items to sell, no overhead cost, just help us.

HERE is an easy way; We Get Testimonials for Mayco Zappers but we are not a store and have no salesmen. Our Marketing plan is giving by our Church; but so many happy users have come back and asked if they could get a discount if they could get a Zapper for a brother, sister, cousin, or friend. So Msgr. May decided to turn this into a Marketing plan to help you!

Our Church makes about $40 from each Zapper, so we can discount one by $15.00. So we do all the work but you can make almost one-half the profit!

We need to advertise, but our best advertising is done by our Customers.


1. Just tell your family members and friends how you like the Mayco Bio-Zapper after you are using it!

2. Refer them to check our websites and blog

or (my alternative blog} All of the above use PayPal for Ordering… Just tell everyone that there is a place on that PayPal Order page to enter any message; so just have them write “Referred by” plus your name; In about ten days for processing, you will have just made $15.00; we will send to you! Refer as many as you like! -There s no time limit!

Visit our website

Or Our Blog

http:// maycozapper.blogspot.com/

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Alternative for Cancer Cure

You Can Stop Your Cancer

Learn How Cancers Are Caused and how curable, by what is called "Metabolic" Means, not by the "approved" Treatment Methods of Surgery, Chemo And Radiation, resulting In failure and Death , for over 96% of patient; This blog is base on Statistics do not lie


Energy Treatments which are ignore and covered up to billion $$$

Pharmaceutical Industry which pretends there is no better cure than surgery and drugs, and millions die a very painful death every year after spending a fortune on useless drugs enriching the sickness Industry, but Cancer is curable without great cost and pain. FIND THE TRUTH HERE!

Cancer Are curable, but the established Medical Industry are burying people by the millions who did not survive their treatments! Statistics prove there are better ways. Cancers truly are curable. Yes, Cancers are curable in China at the FUDA Cancer Hospital, at full 80% recovery for even stage 4 terminal cancer! Yes Cancer are Curable in Japan using a Red Mushrooms, an ancient Science, Modern Miracle. Cancer Are Curable in the Philippines’ where Cancers are Curable with Enzyme therapy. Cancer is 90% Curable adding

"ESSIAC " , an herbal tea from Canada where the medical Establishment got it rejected , because the 200 year old Herbal cure threatened profits from the a "approved" Cancer treatments. But now clinically proven 90% is pretty good for a 'useless' Indian Cancer Cure! It is available in China and the Philippines’. In Europe thousands of doctors are proving Cancer Are Curable by using a well known chemical you probably have in your kitchen.


(So Are All Diseases!)

HERE IS TRUTH! And proof what to do.

A Natural Cancer Cure? Yes it's here! You Can Believe Statistics ....THEY DON'T LIE! It cannot be hidden any longer. The below facts were ignored, to make more medical profits!

BAKING SODA Kills Cancer! This was known in 1931 by novel Prize Winner Dr. Warburg! His Discoveries were repressed by the AMA. And covered up after profitable anti - biotic penicillin was on the market.

I was surprised to learn about an Oncologist in Rome Italy, Dr. Tullio Simoncini, Baking Soda is safe, extremely inexpensive and unstoppable effective when it comes to cancer tissues. It reverses their acidic chemistry!

It's an irresistible chemical- like cyanide in cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells with a shock wave of alkalinity, which allows much more oxygen into the cancer cells than they can tolerate. Cancer cells cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen. Baking soda is, for all intent and purposes, an instant killer of tumor! Why don't all doctors know this? Or do they?

Tumors that can be reached and irrigated directly with a Baking Soda solution can be fully treated in a matter of days. I have seen videos on the Internet of tumors taken by Dr. Simoncini before and after treatment. In many cases the tumor is virtually gone in 1-5 days.

Dr. Simoncini says that cancer is caused by fungus or Candida. Fungus can only live in an acid environment and it dies instantly when it comes into contact with Baking Soda because of its high alkalinity.

A cancer that is bathed locally and directly, responds immediately to treatment. Treatment consists of Baking Soda administered orally, by aerosol, and HIV. After the first treatment a reduction in the fungus and size of the tumor is evident.

If cancer strikes a particular organ or area that can't be reached, Baking Soda is administrable by catheter into an artery that feeds that organ or tissue. One items needs to be explained, As when using B - 17, using Soda can make you feel worse for a day or two because when a lot of cancer cells and parasites are rapidly killed, all that dead matter is toxic and may overload your liver, temporally you feel dizzy or have a headache. This is normal cleansing

Since perhaps it may be impossible to find a licensed doctor that will agree to administers Baking Soda, you will have to develop your own program. If the tumor is internal rather that external, you will not be able to irrigate it directly, therefore you will have to pretend upon getting the entire body pH high enough to kill the cancer. Just don't try to inject it yourself, you might ' overdo' it and change too quickly.

At a pH of 8.5 cancer cells will die while healthy cells will live. This has given rise to a variety of treatments based upon increasing the alkalinity of the tissues such as vegetarian diet, the drinking of fresh fruit and vegetable juices, and dietary supplementation with alkaline minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, cesium, and rubidium. But no other mineral can compare to the instant alkalizing power of Baking Soda for safe and effective treatment of cancer. It cost you less than 2 cents a day to treat your cancer with it! All cancer Are Curable if you use the right methods.

The pH scale goes from 0 - 14, with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. The blood, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid in the human body are designed to be slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.4.

Cancer patient typically have a pH ranging between 4.5 and 5.5. This is a full2-3 points below what is considered normal. Even when pH is this low it generally takes few years for a body to develop cancer.

There is also danger in getting the body too alkaline, but like the body can survive for a years after being too low, people have lived for a years with their pH being too high. Personally I considered the danger of getting the pH high enough to kill the cancer to be small in comparison with the end result of the cancer or the treatment you may have to suffer through.

What is too high? When the pH drops below 4.0 the body will start producing ammonia, which is extremely alkaline to affect the acid. Older people often have a pH of 8.5 as a result of the ammonia for a number of years before they finally die. The acid smell that you experience when walking into an old folks home is the ammonia I am talking about.

Based upon these facts, it seems safe enough to use Baking Soda to get the pH as high as 8.5 long enough to kill the cancer and shrink the tumor. Taking the body pH up to 8.5 is only 1 full point above normal. Keeping it at that level for a short time while the tumors shrink should not pose a big threat. Being too alkaline for a few days or a few weeks could be a good thing and could serve to neutralize latent acids that have been stored in your body for decades.

The IMVA recommends Baking Soda so that the pH of the blood remains high, which in turn means that the blood is capable of carrying more oxygen. This in turn keeps every cell in the body at peak efficiently and helps the cell eliminate waste products.

Detoxification and chelating will proceed more easily and safely under slightly alkaline conditions. Increased urinary pH reduces oxidative injury in the kidney so it behooves us to work clinically with Baking Soda. Patients receiving Baking Soda achieved urine PHS of 6.5 as opposed to 5.6 with those receiving sodium chloride. This alkalinization is theorized to have a protective effect against the formation of free radicals that may cause neuropathology" Dr. Michael Metro.

Cancer seems to grow slowly in a highly acid environment( because the acids cause it to partially destroy itself) and may actually grow more quickly as your body becomes more alkaline prior to reaching the healthy pH slightly above 7.4 where the cancer becomes dormant. The objective here appears to be getting the pH to 8.5 sufficiently long enough to kill cancer rather than keeping it dormant. It mat takes a few weeks to accomplish this, but could happen in as little as 3 -5 days. It is dependent upon getting enough Baking Soda throughout the system that the cancer cells are eventually bathed in it.

After the cancer is dead, the ideal pH is 7.4 .It is useful to monitor urine pH daily to ensure that the body remains sufficiently alkaline.

We always knew how quickly Baking Soda could neutralize acid, but we wondered about it's safely. We have now learned that the only is it effective, but it is safe, quick, precise and inexpensive. Just a few pennies a day will keep cancer at arms length from us.

Baking Soda can be use to treat your drinking water also. It is a good idea to find the best source of drinking water possible. Do not drink water from soft plastic jugs you find on the grocery shelf. These jugs leach harmful chemicals into the water and the water source may not be pure to begin with. I once found a grasshopper in gallon of distilled water.

If you use distilled or reverse osmosis water, it is necessary to add extra Baking Soda. You should also add magnesium and perhaps some ionic minerals. Drink at least 1/2 ounce of water for each pound of body weight daily. This is required in addition in any juices or other liquids you may consume, in order to flush out your toxins and keep your blood clean.

In addition to adding some Baking soda to your drinking water, you will probably need to take an additional 1/4 tsp. of Baking Soda daily. For the first three days. A large person may need to take more. Preferably, take it on an empty stomach or wait at least two hours after eating so as not to neutralize the stomach acid that is designed to digest your food. Dilute it for less taste.

I weigh about 160 pounds and I personally used 3-4 tsp. daily but only for three days while I was detoxifying but now for maintenance I regularly use 2 tsp. of Baking Soda daily to maintain a proper pH. While detoxifying.

Test your urine pH first thing in the morning. Normal pH run 7.4, however you need a pH of 8.5 for several days or perhaps longer if you want the cancer to die. So until your cancer becomes dormant and starts to shrink, you may want to keep your keep your pH between 8.0 and 8.5 in the beginning.

Once your tumors are gone, reduce your intake of Baking Soda to keep your pH about 7.4 at the first morning void.

THE CAUSE OF CANCER; It is not a 'Parasite' disease, you don't catch it

Is YOUR OWN cells gone haywire after losing their positive energy? The great advance of knowing the prime cause of a disease is that it can then be attacked logically and over a broad front Dr. Otto Warburg

Cancer management and cancer cure are fundamentally different. In order to cure cancer, you must look at the cause or the root of the cancer. To manage cancer, you can poison it, burn it, or cut it out all without knowing anything about its origin.

There are two factors that are ALWAYS present with Cancer no matter what else may be present. Those two factors are Acid pH and Lack of Oxygen. We can manipulate these two factors that always have to be present for cancer to develop and by doing so the cancer cannot go on living - it must die. The obvious question - is it safe? Yes, in fact the same environment that kills cancer is the best environment for growing non - cancerous, healthy cells.

PH: What does it mean? PH is the abbreviation for Potential Hydrogen or the measurement of hydrogen- ion concentration of any solution. The higher the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The pH scale is from 0 to 14 with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline; anything below 7.0 is acid.

There are two pH readings that we are primarily concerned about; the blood and the urine. Report #1 has focused mostly on urine pH and Report #3 will continue talking about the importance of modulating pH of the blood and how to do it.

To be considered healthy, human blood must maintain a narrow pH range of 7.365. Any slight variation means disease. If blood pH drops below 6.8 or increase above 7.8, cells stop functioning and the patient dies.

The human body does a miraculous job of keeping blood pH in tolerable limits. As I mentioned, cancer patients can have a urine pH below 5.0 for years and the person goes on living by robbing Sodium from the stomach and Calcium from the bones to neutralize the acid in the blood. This is why old people shrink because their bones are getting smaller.

On the other hand, when the urine pH is too high, the body starts grabbing acid that has been stored in the joints and muscles to neutralize the blood. That's why we see Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and other acid conditions disappear when using Baking Soda in this manner.

Blood pH is difficult to test, but home test kits are available to test urine and saliva pH. It's easy and simple to do.

pH litmus paper can be purchased in either strips or rolls. Catch the last drip of the first morning void on a piece of litmus paper and it will change color. Compare that color on the corresponding chart and you will scientifically know that pH of your urine.

Do not hold the litmus paper in the urine stream because the chemicals that caused it to change color will be washed away. The reason for checking the first morning void is because the bodily fluids have time to equalize overnight, which gives you a more accurate test. Do not test the first part of the stream, because that is when most of the sediment gets washed out of the bladder.

The pH number is an exponent number of 10 (the power of 10) therefore, a small difference in pH translates to a BIG difference in the number of oxygen or OH- ions. In other words, blood with a pH value of 7.3. To see the bigger picture, that number represents only 1o.5% of one point increase in pH.

Eastern medicine has worked closely with pH (acid and alkaline) for thousands of years. They refer to it’s as Yin and Yang. Although Western science and medicine pretends to be ignorant about the subject, they know more about pH than they are willing to admit. If modern medicine were to focus on correcting pH and nutritional imbalances in the body, there would be no job security for doctors and drug companies due to little need for their services.

As early as 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded a Nobel Prize for this research on cancer. Dr. Warburg's research states that “cancer cannot live in a pH of 7.0 “another way of making this same statement is," you can't get cancer if you keep your pH at 7.0 or slightly above.'' Maintaining a proper pH without balanced nutrition is not a guarantee of perfect health, it just means you won't get cancer! You need good nutrition to produce a healthy body. Report number 3 will talk more about nutrition.

To protect the money they make as a result of people getting cancer, the American Medical Association backed by the pharmaceutical - drug industry boycotted Dr. Warburg from ever coming to this country. They also put a squelch on the media to prevent Dr. Warburg's work from becoming widely known and because they control what is printed in the medical college textbooks, no mention of Dr. Warburg is found there either.

People are being destroyed for greed and for lack of knowledge. The information in these reports will empower you to take charge of your own destiny with very little cost in doing so.

Common knowledge of pH balancing would put most of the doctors and pharmacies out of business, and since you have probably never heard of Dr. Warburg, you can see that the A.M.A. did a good job of hiding his work. This is a good example of money being more valuable than human life and suffering.

People sadly believe that there can be no conspiracies today because the media would surely warn us, but the media is owned and controlled by these very same people. Politicians largely have no loyalty to the people, but to the media, oil companies and drug companies that paid for their campaigns. When the media refuses to report the truth, we would be better off without any media at all. Their lies have created a nation of people that can no longer think for themselves.

North Americans learn only what they are spoon-fed in public schools and by the media. Trilateral own virtually all of the media and they write the textbooks not only for our medical colleges, but also for schools at all levels. It is time we wake up to the fact that our best interests are of no concern to those who are in control.

Now that we understand a little bit about why haven't been exposed to this information, let's get to the subject at hand. Acid blood causes disease, one of those diseases being cancer. PH is the dividing line between health and disease. Low pH means very little if any oxygen available to the cells.

In the absence of oxygen, glucose undergoes fermentation to lactic acid. This causes the pH of the cell to drop even lower. Urine pH of terminal Cancer patients almost always runs between 4.0 and 5.5. When the cancer goes into metastases the pH drops even lower. Your body simply cannot fight disease if your body pH is not properly balanced.

There are entire books devoted to the subject of pH. One such book written by Theodore Baroody is Alkalize or Die. That is what we are talking about here. It is really that important!

Cancer loves acid. Cancer needs an acid/ low oxygen environment to survive and flourish. Terminal Cancer patients are about 1000 times more acidic than they should be. This equates to dangerously low amounts of oxygen at the cellular level. One point of decrease in pH equals a decrease in oxygen to the tenth power.

Dr. Otto Warburg, two times Nobel Prize winner, stated in this book, the Metabolism of Tumors, that the primary causes of cancer was the replacement of oxygen in the respiratory cell chemistry by the fermentation of sugar. The growth of cancer cells is initiated by a fermentation process, which can be triggered only in the absence of oxygen at the cell level. Cancer cells are sick cells, and need oxygen and electrical "chi" energy stimulation if they can be stimulated to become normal cells again.

What Warburg was describing was a classic picture of acidic conditions. Just like overworked muscle cells manufacture lactic acid by products as waste, cancerous cells spill lactic acid and other acidic compounds causing acid pH.

Cancer tissues have a much higher concentration of toxic chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, etc. than do healthy tissues. So it is very important to drink plenty of clean filtered water, along with fruit juices, supplements, minerals, natural vitamins, digestive pancreatic enzymes, along with L - glutathione to cleanse the body of many toxins.

The establishment has purposely kept the cure for cancer a mystery for years since Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded a Nobel Prize for discovering the cause and cure for cancer. Proof lies in the fact that you have never read this information in a single textbook even though you can research the Nobel Prize he received.

There are three professions that as a rule purposely mystify knowledge surrounding those professions with the intent of extracting large sums of money from their credulous followers. Christ referred to them as Priest Craft, Lawyer Craft and Doctor Craft.

Essentially the Priest says you can't find God without going through me, the lawyer says you can't find justice without going through me and the doctor says you can't find health without going through me. These professions could all exist without the associated craft, but they would be humble professions indeed. But these crafts often exist because of greed.

There is legitimate need for doctors. The doctor should be there to set broken bones and stitch up injuries, but to mystify disease such as cancer so they can extract huge sums of money from hapless people is a crime. Not all doctors are part of the conspiracy. First of all, in the USA they can only practice what they are taught in medical school and what the law allows. The medical textbooks are written by the drug companies so modern doctors are trained (to be drug salesman) in the art of prescribing what we call legal drugs. Legal or Not, all drugs kill, which truth can be substantiated by obtaining a copy of the Physicians Desk reference or PDR. In the Philippines there is the Philippines College For Advancement in Medicine Foundation Incorporated which has about 200 or more Health Professionals, Doctors, Nurses, Natural paths, Herbalist, A Bio - Chemist working with doctors, and I am a Life Time Member and Health Researcher on the Research Committee, You don't need to go to China to get the 80% cancer cure ; come to Philippines where English is spoken, the economy is better, and effective cancer treatment is cheap by American standards, and a cure under PCAM Medical doctors can often be more rapid.

I am Missionary, so I am a Bible reader and I make no apologies because truth is truth no matter where it comes from, but in Bible is considered to be the ultimate and most accurate source of truth in the world! The Bible say's "My People perish for lack of knowledge." It also say's that "the truth will set you (people) free." The truth is told here because you have a right to the truth! Real truth is historical, and based on statistics. It does not take a genius to recognize that the establishment's cancer treatment are a 96% failure, yet most Oncologist will still tell you " There are only three cures for cancer, surgery, Chemo - therapy, and Radiation," If I had believed that in 1988, statistics say my chances of being here today would be less than 30%.of 100. Statistics say I would not be here writing this report.

I myself read a survey made more than 30 years ago by the University of Southern California Medical School and published in the " Midnight" Magazine sold on new-stands; They surveyed the life - spans of thousands of cancer patients which were put into two groups. One group was those who refused surgery and Chemo, and the second groups were those who had surgery and Chemo. The survey was to determine average lifespan from time of detection to time of death. The average of group one was 7 years...the second group given all the "best" medical treatments, lived an average of 3 1/2 years! What does that tell you? Doctors are helping the patients to die in half the time and after great expense and agony. So which group would you choose?

Chemotherapy, Radiation and Surgery do not address the truth about cancer; they only address and treat the result or the symptoms of cancer. Those treatments are “Frauds ", not the simpler use of “Alternatives”.

When we have an oil spill in the ocean that starts killing birds, fish and mammals, no amount of drugs, radiation or surgery is going to provide a cure. The cause of the disease is like an oil spill and it must be cleaned up.

If you have cancer, you are suffering from an oil spill inside your body. Your body has absorbed petrochemicals( chemicals made from oil ) everyday of your life from the air you breathe, the food you eat, the things you drink, the medications you take and from personal care and household products that touch your skin each day.

Your are breathing air that is filled with automobile exhaust, chem.-trails and industrial waste. Inside your home, synthetic carpets, furniture, paint, air fresheners, etc are off gassing petrochemicals that are all part of your problem. The air inside your home is even worse than the air outside, except on days when they are spraying chem. trails from airplanes or pesticides for mosquito and bug control.

You are eating foods that are grown with chemical fertilizers and sprayed with chemical pesticides. Anything that will kill a bug will kill a human too. You are just consuming small enough amounts to kill you slowly rather than quickly. Many other chemicals are added to foods including MSG and different forms of glycol, which is the active ingredient in antifreeze they put in your car.

The water you drink is polluted with hundreds if not thousands of chemicals, to which they add chlorine and fluoride, which both lead to cancer. To the water we add coffee, sweeteners, artificial colors, carbon dioxide and who knows how many other things that all lead to acid and cancer in the body.

These are some of the causes of cancer and cancer brings a lot of suffering and perhaps missing body parts before the cancer brings a lot of uncertainly. The best you can hope for through the channels of modern medicines is a lot of suffering and perhaps missing body parts before the cancers goes into remission. However, many cancers never go into remission and the patient dies after all of their suffering. Just because doctors don't have a cure for cancer, does that mean a cure doesn't exist? The reason you are reading this report is because you or someone you know went to the Internet searching for a Cancer Cure.

I cured my own cancer naturally and I have absolutely no fear of cancer ever returning because I know what causes cancer and therefore how to prevent it. Cancer no longer is a mystery. Cancer is a simple biological response to your inner biological terrain. All you need is to think and choose what works, not that which fails. The largest three Cancer Hospitals in China now have a publish cure rate of 80% for stage 4 cancer, based on using combined Metabolic, Thermal, Herbal, Enzymes, and restoring of " chi" energy for health. You can get energy from a simple low cost electronic invention, the May Co Bio - Energizing Zapper.www.maycozapper.org I honestly believe you can build your health and add years to your life. I have given you a gift - a natural cancer cure that is almost without cost. if you do nothing with it. You will not rejoice in the gift and my many years of research will, for you have been in vain.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bio Zapper Information

How It Works

Health - Healing The Body

-With Positive Polarity Pulses-
It Produces Natural Energy

We do not claim the Bio-Energizing Zapper by itself will "cure" any illness but, by the unique use of positive polarity pulses (audio-sound) electronics. we "Zap" and destroy the parasite; after that, your body's immune systems can heal itself!

The Bio-Energizing Zapper is the First Effective low-cost device for Budget-Conscious patients who believe in natural healing through drug-free remedies, and it is recomended by health Professionals and many Doctors for purchase and home use.

The Bio-Energizing Zapper Kills Parasites, Bacteria and Viruses By Square Wave low voltage Audio Pulses which produce Electronic spikes as positive polarity pulses.

It is now widely known that your body is, in effect, not only a living "Chemical" machine, which has responded to Herbs and Medicines as far back as in ancient Egypt. Modern medicines (chemicals called "Drugs") various other medicines, antibiotics, and of Hormones are now used in treatment of diseases, but the body is also an "Electrically operated machine", which uses the brain and nerves as conductors, (somewhat like a computer) to regulate all the body's functions and organs by electrical currents. Many physicians have shown interest working with energy fields, and using these to heal illness by positive polarity pulses.

Healing Crisis Remedy

It is important to understand that during cleansing, the blood is actually "dirtier" than when one began. This can result in feeling worse before one can feel better. Some "detox symptoms" may occur, such as: nausea, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, runny nose, etc. Some call these flu-like symptoms a "healing crisis". It's a good sign! It shows that the cleaning process is effective; toxins are being expelled from the body and eliminated through wastes, mucus, etc by the energy of positive polarity pulses.

The most important thing to do when one exhibits these symptoms is to hydrate the body with water and green juices. This will allow the toxins to exit the body and help to decrease some of the discomfort of side effects. Don't give up! Cleansing will put one years ahead in the healing process according to many doctors.

Bio zapper Difference

The cheaper zapper has only two frequencies, one for Cancer and one for Parasites
but the output and intensities are identical to the larger M-7.

The differences are that the low-priced M-4 machine, called "The Genetic Energy Zapper", has a smaller low-cost "Vu meter", as seen in the photo, (on page bottom) for viewing the current level which serves your purpose of effectively monitoring the level of output. The M-7 has two larger professional meters; the second meter is a volt meter for reading the battery voltage or the line voltage coming from the wall adapter we supply'

2. The larger M-7 also has two extra frequencies, one for killing colon worms and bacteria, and one mid-range for viruses and fevers.
It also has a built in high quality rechargeable battery, and a built-in charger and controls.

The M-7 also has a speaker so the setting tones can be heard
to verify that the setting is correctly operating..

Both units have identical Hand-hold applicator tubes and Felt-faced metal applicator pads.

Both units have a two year Warranty.

The other difference is is in the size and looks. The craftsmanship is the same quality. Both are better in energizing your body than any other on the Internet at double the price. The basic circuit concept was received in a dream!
Both units are in a nice zippered carry-bag, and with easy written Instructions. We will be happy to send either one to you, together with a two-year warranty.

God Bless you!
Msgr. Dr. Howard E. May ThD

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

THE TRUTH about ZAPPERS to Stimulate Energy to the Immune System

By Msgr.Dr. Howard E. May
March 15, 2008 True Bio-Energizing Zappers cannot legally be produced or sold in the USA, but they can be given as a gift to someone who wants one.. All electronic devices are ruled by the USDA and FTC to be “experimental”,.and are restricted for sale until “approved” by “double-blind studies”, thus illegal by Government standards which supports the Drug Industry, and is popular with most doctors for protection of income.. Some doctors who used even the Dr.Bob Beck zapper, and/or some “copy” of Dr. Raymond Rife’s machine, have had their medical licenses revoked, and several have actually gone to prison for using “methods or devices” un-approved by the USDA!

The lone exception is in California which recently passed a law legalizing alternative methods which is why the Papimi Device is now being manufactured in California.

The sales tax alone is over $8,000 because it sells for $57,000. It uses high voltage, radiated magnetism, high energy R.F. and the selected frequencies discovered by Dr. Rife and later published by Hulda Clark…(eight pages in her book “The Cure for All Diseases”). all of which were OK in 1932, but impossible today because the radio tubes, high voltage transformers and other parts used in those days are not now manufactured anywhere in the world. (Some high voltage machines today use a neon-sign transformer!)

Dr. Hulda Clark published a lot of claims about her zapper’s "harmonics", and these claims are copied by a lot of others, copycats, who are ignorant of basic electronic facts. Fact number one is that despite all the fancy sales talk and false claims being made by her and various websites, all circuits being made today are Digital, not Analog, and Digital equipment does NOT produce any Harmonics! There is only one very expensive process to make R.F, signals of different frequencies and beat them together, as separate notes, as in musical notes, thus Digital frequencies can be blended, but these are NOT true “harmonics”. Any “harmonic” claim on any website raises a red flag. Beware of anything else told by promoters on any website making such claims, for they are either ignorant of basic electronics, or worse, they are deceitful. If searching for truth, read this blog , and the references listed at the end. Remember digital devices do NOT make Harmonics, and that is a scientific fact! A harmonic is a note double the frequency of the basic frequency generated, and is analog, as in music..

There is a lot of huffing and puffing on the internet about “Harmonics” There is more you need to know about “harmonics”. A harmonic in music is like if you strike the center “C” p[ano note. That note’s harmonic is one octave higher; a second harmonic 2 octaves higher, etc. If you have a radio-frequency note of 260 K, it is 260,000 (a Kilocycle is times 1000, (Ky = 1,000) so a “first harmonic” would be double the base frequency, thus would be 520 K. How could that be tuned to any germ’s harmonic “mortality killing frequency” if it was, say 382 K? This principle becomes complicated, so the shysters are able to confuse people. The truth? –The bottom line is, a “harmonic” is generally too weak to kill a parasite, even if they could produce one.

The harmonics which were produced by Dr.Raymond Rife’s Analog Signal generator were detectable only, as in music, to the second harmonic level, and they are then too weak to be effective. Also, if you had a tone of 6,000 hertz and another tone of 2,000 hertz (audio) applied together, you ear might hear a third tone created by beating the two together, as in an Italian made auto horn…but then a second level harmonic would be too weak to be heard,. and thus would be ineffective. (A first harmonic only has ½ the basic volume; so in a zapper the harmonic (IF there) would be too weak to be effective.}.

I guess in summary, it could be said, “ if you want the most expensive electronic High-Voltage Magnetic Radiation invention made anywhere in the world today, it is the Frequency machine, patented by an Italian Medical Doctor, Professor, Dr. Pappas, and his machine is effective to treat diseases, increase “Chi” Energy (and even cure cancer) so you could buy the Papimi; If you want the cheapest on the world market, buy the “Original Zapper” made by Dr. Hulda Clark. (The parts to built it costs only $3.20). If you don’t want that “cheapest” zapper but can’t afford the Papimi at $57,000, or a so-called Rife machine for $8,900 up to $13,000, why not improve your life by saving all that money and get the full featured MayCo Bio Energizing Zapper given as a free “thank-you gift” for a donation of only $250 made to Inter-Faith Church Ministries Inc. by our link (below) to PayPal by safe USA Credit card processing and we will send it to you by free pre-paid Express Airmail world wide! Our profits help fund and extend God’s Kingdom Read all the details and testimonials on
(link below)

I’m disgusted by the lies being told on several other websites No wonder the F.T.C, the USDA, and the Attorney General’ Offices are clamping down on various websites. Even well known Dr, Hulda Clark was fined by the District Federal Court in San Francisco and paid a fine of $100,000 plus court and attorney fees, and was warned to stop making “cure” claims on her websites, but she was doing it again but fate stepped in, and they can't arrest her again, for she passed away in September 2009. Despite all said, good and bad, her books are opening doors for people to know there are Alternative Medical Treatments available. You just have to be careful to consider whom and what to believe. A good site to read all the government’s Scientific reports, as gathered by Government appointed investigators on the subject, go with an open mind and check out the references..

The USDA is not the “big bad wolf” trying to blow down our “Alternative House” as many promoters claim; the fact is that those who scream the loudest against Government rules and regulations are often the ones bilking the public by pretending they have some new “breakthrough”! Incidentally, Hulda Clark is not the first inventor of a “zapper”.as she claims; there has been others, all the way back into the last 50 years of the 1800’s, when doctors treated patients with battery-power, hand cranked generators, and electric needles,. until about 1908 when John D. Rockefeller took over the medical and drug manufacturing business and claimed the use of electric energy treatment was a fraud, until the famous Dr. Royal Rife discovered how to combine the use of radiated Radio-Frequency transmission modulated with selected audio frequencies, RF Carrier waves to stop diseases or viruses and destroy cancer cells..

The MayCo Bio-Energizing Zapper uses only Audio square wave pulses and does not need the high-voltage RF Radiated waves or ”harmonics”. .Selected Positive Audio frequencies themselves are safer (can be used even on babies) and are able to energize the body, increase your “Chi energy” (Energy of Life) and at the same time penetrate the surface of all negative disease parasites, thus killing them, including intestinal worms, bacteria, or Viruses. It does not kill the helpful bacteria in your intestines, for those bacteria are “positive” in polarity; “positive” energy does not affect “positive” bacteria. It does however build up your own cells energy , and retards aging!

If you are considering purchasing a Zapper, see the MayCo Bio-Energizing zapper, or to save money you may select the smaller “genetic” model at half the price, See the M-4 Zapper at

If you or a loved one is fighting cancer, also see



Please read the following, which was given by the late Dr. Manuel D. Navarro, M.D., a Nutritional Oncologist, and who had a Clinic at his residence in Sta. Mesa, in Manila, and was still active in treating patients when he was well over eighty years old! He also had a Cancer Clinic at the University of Santo Thomas Medical Center in Manila, where he had been a Biochemist and Professor of Internal Medicine for many years. Dr. Navarro passed away mid-2004, but I am alive today, (March 30 2010) at age 88-years old and free from cancer, in part because of following Dr. Manuel Navarro’s advice, part of which I now relate here. I said ‘in part’ because I invented a helpful electronic machine in 1997 , as the result of a God-given dream, which I made only to kill my intestinal worms, but it also completely killed my colon cancer! That is why, now improved, it is named Gods Invention See it at <www.maycozapper.org>

However this is only my story, as I am prevented by the USDA to give any medical advice for anyone in the US (or Canada) For medical advice, you may consult his son, Dr. Efren Navarro, M.D., at the same Clinic, 3553 Sining St., Morningside Terrace, Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines, or e-mail him efnavmed@compass.com.ph. His father, Dr. Navarro, was a very modest man, simply listing himself as an “M.D.” and Nutritional Oncologist. The truth is, he was listed in a book published in London England, as being among the “top ten” Oncologists in the entire world! He was also a brilliant Biochemist. He told he had written over 100 Scientific Reports papers, but the USDA clocked every one; yet he was able to save hundreds of “terminal” cancer patients by use of B-17, change of diet, supplements, and enzymes. (Enzymes are live chemical catalyst.) You can buy digestive enzymes.

Dr. Navarro was my doctor, who reversed my colon cancer, thus saving my life over eleven years ago. One of the most interesting things told to me by Dr. Navarro was, that in forty years of practice, he never had discovered anything better thanAmygdalin (Vitamin B-17), as found in the seeds of apricots, apples, prunes, peaches, and bitter almonds. (The ones from China). There was a famed psychic healer, who worked with doctors, and said “if you eat 10 bitter almonds a day, you will never get cancer.”

Food B-17 is also found in soybeans, mung bean sprouts, and in a hundred different vegetables, grains, nuts, wild-berries, blueberries, huckleberries, wild Oregon grape, and one of the very best sources is the familiar white tropical sweet potato, called Cassava, and that is what this blog is all about. Dr. Navarro told me he had a niece in Mindanao who developed cancer. She lived too far away fir him to treat her, and she could not afford to buy B-17, so he told her how to make it. Just from following his instructions she treated herself at home, and in four months the cancer was almost gone. Then through a Friendship Club she corresponded with an American, and they fell in love, He came to the Philippines, married her, and took her to the US. Eating American food, the cancer returned, and in another year she was gone. There is a moral in this story; you can control your cancer but you must continue doing the right things in order to prevent a return.– and Dr. Navarro told me an easy way to prepare B-17, and I used it myself. Before telling you how to make it, I will explain the rest of what he recommended to me.

1. Digestive enzymes, as found in fresh Pineapple and other fruit juice, helps de-shield the cancer-cell’s protective protein coating which cancer-cells get when we eat animal-source protein foods, (meat & milk). He said buy the German enzyme “Pancroflat” (Pancreatan) and Co’Enzyme Q-10, 300 mg. or more (from “Health Foods” stores} put on salads. Its best that you eat as many raw fruits, raw vegetable salads, etc, as possible. Use “Virgin Olive Oil”, or Virgin Coconut oil, four tablespoons a day plus Apple-Cider Vinegar, two tablespoons each and every day.

2. Vitamin “C” (not time delay) ten grams a day in 5 divided doses and “Natural” Vitamin “E” (400 iu. twice daily) Beta Carotene (15 mcg.) Niacin 200 mg./day, (flush free can be found) take sublingual B-12, (100 iu.) and Folic Acid, 400 mcg 2x day.

3. Plus, add the minerals, Selenium, 800 mcg., Zinc 100 mg. a day, and make and drink fresh juices, cabbage juice, pineapple juice, red beets juice and carrot juice (can be mixed), drink all you can every day. Best before meals (or whenever thirsty.) also drink only pure (filtered) water.not distilled.

4. Now I will tell what Dr. Manuel Navarro said is an effective low-cost treatment to stop and even reverse cancer growth. In the morning, before breakfast, take about 4 inches of average size Cassava root (about 3mm to 4 mm diameter) wash and peel off only the outer brown skin, (easier if you use a “potato peeler” , instead of a knife) then chop it into small pieces about 1mm. to 2 mm in size, and place in a food blender. Add two cups (16 ounces) of distilled water and blend at high speed. About two minutes is enough. Then pour the “Cassava Tea” into a wide mouth glass storage bottle, and cool it in the refrigerator.

After it sets awhile you will see that all the dissolved starch has settled to the bottom, and there is nearly two cups of clear liquid on the top. Drink one-half of this (one cup) in the morning before breakfast, and drink the other half in the early evening. It is slightly bitter, so you may add concentrated fruit juice or flavor. (The bitter taste is B-17). CAUTION: See Dr. Navarro’s Page, on the websitewww.Godgift.org for his further explanation.

You should consume only about 4 inches of the root the first day, but each day thereafter you add ½ inch more until one day you will feel a little dizzy a few minutes after taking it, That says STOP, and that is your tolerance level, so use 1/2 inch less thereafter. It safely kills cancer, but be very careful not to exceed the daily recommended amount. This should not be given to children, unless supervised by a doctor.

It is NOT deadly “Cyanide”, it is only (B-17) called Amygdalin and is similar in formula to cyanide, but it lacks an “h” factor of the cyanide formula, and it is an amazing fact that only cancer cells, being non-aerobic, do produce within themselves only that missing “h” factor, and thus poison themselves when touched by B-17! – butall other cells are left untouched! -This was well explained by Dr, Navarro, which is published under his name on my website, maycozapper.org.

The South American Indians living in the heights of the central mountain areas… eat maize (corn) as their major food. They never have cancer. Their maize corn contains large amounts B-17!

The Eskimos of the Northern Artic do not have vegetables, but because they eat reindeer that feed on tundra grasses, which contain large amounts of B-17, they never get cancer!

The people of Hunza-land (about whom books have been written) never have had cancer in hundreds of years because they eat the seeds of a hardy apricot which contains concentrated B-17!The Chinese have known for centuries that those who eat several bitter almonds every day never get cancer! Even wild animals, deer, antelope, bears, never get cancer in the wild, but do die of cancer in the zoo! In the wild, they eat berries, grasses and “weeds” which contain B-17.

Also, in fighting cancer, try Romanian Dr. Budwig’s protocol, 2 tablespoons cold-pressed refrigerated Flax Oil Take 2X a day mixed with ½ cup of Cottage Cheese. (forSulfur) (Sulfur promotes healing.) Flaxseed oil is available in bottles from some Health-food Stores and through the Doctors who use supplemental healing methods, but it must be refrigerated from time of manufacture until time of consumption. Also, be aware that Flax-oil “capsules” (from Health Food stores) are worthless unless they are refrigerated.

A few final words of advice: Avoid artificial fats (margarine) and bakery products containing “hydrogenated” oils, and sugars, for it is the artificial fats and sugar which cause arterial deposits and high-blood pressure. You must avoid all “soft drinks”, and sugar; (cancer cells love sugar!) Sugar, and junk foods, not cholesterol, causes problems! Butter is okay; it is NOT the cause of high-blood pressure, for it is a natural fat easy to digest, and was eaten for centuries long before heart attacks became common!

The newest Medical Reports have proven that we have been deceived in being told to eat a “low-fat, high-carbohydrate” diet; the truth is the opposite! People who eat (natural) “high-fat low-carbohydrate” diets have the healthiest hearts. So eat wisely, and avoid potato chips, corn chips, and other such “junk foods“ as they are all made with the bad artificial fats! Having done all you can do to eat wisely pray for God’s Healing Energy, which He gives through proper life-style and proper diet!

(3rd John 2) “Beloved, I wish above all else that thou mayest prosper and be in good health even as thy soul prospereth.” (KJ. Bible)

Checkout these web-sites! They too have answers to cancer,:

Dr. Abram Hoffer M.D., Ph.D. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, who spent many years working in research with Linus Pauling, with Nobel prize winner discovered taking 10g or more of Vitamin C daily together with 3gs Divide of niacin Vitamin B3 will cure cancer in about of 90% patients secure his discoveries has been rejected by mainstream medicine who do not want a sample vitamin cure.

a cure for cancer:

“How B-17 works” (An excellent informative explanation)
Also articles “Metabolism of Vitamin B-17, and “Nitrilosides“, and others

Green and Gold International Exports
There are many web-page testimonials in many languages for Chinese Herbal TIANXIAN Herbal cancercure liquid. He has it in stock.